Sabtu, 25 Januari 2020

50+ Side Dishes For Slow Weeknight Chicken Dinners

I was asked past times Carusele to participate inwards the #StuffedForDinner campaign, sponsored by Barber Foods. Although I have got been compensated for my fourth dimension & creative effort, all opinions are 100% my own.

Need an slow weeknight dinner when you're busy? (Who doesn't?) If you lot or your identify unit of measurement beloved chicken, 1 of my favorite fuss-free solutions is to popular some frozen stuffed chicken breasts inwards the oven together with laid upwardly ii elementary side dishes to acquire inwards a well-rounded repast with rattling footling prep. Keep reading to acquire to a greater extent than almost my favorite stuffed chicken breasts + cheque out my round-up of quick & slow side dishes that span good with all types of chicken entrees!

I was asked past times Carusele to participate inwards the  50+ Side Dishes For Easy Weeknight Chicken Dinners
What's your favorite affair to consume when you're super duper busy or stressed? I gravitate toward pizza delivery, murphy chips, Chinese takeout (beef lo mein), together with large ol' bottles of dry out white wine. Priorities.

The past times ii months I've been on auto-pilot, generally eating out or fixing dead elementary dinners with leftovers (like creamy Lycopersicon esculentum basil soup). That's what happens when I acquire into uber stressed or anxious mode. Can you lot relate? My motivation to develop only shrinks away. 

It happened this fourth dimension because my virile somebody parent suffered a stroke inwards tardily boundary together with thus some other 1 inwards mid-summer. (I wrote a footling flake almost it here on Instagram.) Thankfully,  my dad is abode forthwith together with starting rehab over again to acquire healthier & create dorsum his clit (phew).

And I'm dorsum abode inwards Texas now, inching dorsum to where I was at earlier this happened. When I was cooking together with exercising on a regular basis, looking for materials to decorate our novel place, working ahead on spider web log tasks, planning projects & daydreaming almost trips to the mountains & ocean. That form of stuff.

Thankfully, I'm spending to a greater extent than fourth dimension inwards the kitchen again, but I am all the same 100% inwards the marketplace for convenient, quick-prep foods that assist me acquire a tasty, non-takeout dinner on the tabular array with footling work.

I was asked past times Carusele to participate inwards the  50+ Side Dishes For Easy Weeknight Chicken Dinners

You know what fits all that criteria together with makes my belly happier + life easier? 

These Barber Foods® Signature Recipe Stuffed Chicken Breasts.

Why are these item frozen stuffed chicken breasts thus awesome? Let me count the ways.
  • juicy (not dry out & overcooked)
  • Barber Foods Signature Recipe Stuffed Chicken Breasts features chicken that is raised with no antibiotics ever
  • lots of poly peptide (which makes them filling)
  • stuffed with all the cheese (Hello, comfort food)
  • the easiest prep ever (which is pretty much nothing, equally you lot only popular 'em inwards the oven)
  • they come upwardly inwards dissimilar options (Broccoli & Cheese (pictured)Cordon BleuCrème Brie & Apple and Kiev) thus picky eaters have got choices.

And it only thus happens that my amend half's favorite nutrient is chicken. He could consume it for every single meal. I'm beingness 100% serious. It's practically a nutrient grouping to him. Well, fried chicken tenders, at least.

But, I tin give the sack exclusively laid upwardly him homemade chicken dishes for thus long earlier I showtime craving pork, beef, together with soup, together with thus he gets sick of all my favorite foods. It's a cycle. 

Luckily, I tin give the sack satisfy his craving for a comforting chicken meal--with hardly whatever work--by fixing these stuffed chicken breasts! :D

I was asked past times Carusele to participate inwards the  50+ Side Dishes For Easy Weeknight Chicken Dinners
And to continue things elementary for an slow weeknight or weekend meal, all you lot have got to do is popular these stuffed chicken breasts (seen inwards a higher identify inwards wrapper) onto a canvas tray & into the oven. Then you lot have got almost 30-40 minutes to throw together a few elementary sides together with you'll have got a well-rounded repast (for ii or more) with minimal work. 

Bonus: You don't have got to worry almost prepping or babysitting the chief dish thus you lot have got to a greater extent than fourth dimension to focus on the other stuff. OR NOT. You tin give the sack only sip on your drinkable of selection together with zone out. No judgment.

My easy, fuss-free sides of selection are a leafy salad with homemade apple tree cider vinaigrette (only minutes of prep to chop the veggies together with milk shiver upwardly the dressing) together with either a roasted or sauteed vegetable that is quick cooking (so non root veggies). 

Good choices for quick cooking veggies would move broccoli, broccolini, light-green beans, snap peas, zucchini, summertime squash, together with cherry tomatoes (yes, technically a fruit). 

This fourth dimension around I chose 1 of my favorites: asparagus

I oft fix sautéed asparagus with garlic, butter & parmesan (linked below) but I wanted something fifty-fifty to a greater extent than hands-off (just allow the oven do the work) thus I tossed my asparagus with olive oil, sea tabular array salt + cracked dark pepper together with spread it on the canvas tray along with the Barber Foods stuffed chicken pectus with exclusively twenty minutes left to acquire earlier the chicken finished.

I was asked past times Carusele to participate inwards the  50+ Side Dishes For Easy Weeknight Chicken Dinners
Once I pulled the chicken breasts out of the oven, (cheese oozing together with all) I sliced upwardly a loaf of sourdough breadstuff to slather with grass-fed butter together with serve with the meat + veggies. Then brought out my salad + toppings inwards the same clamshell I bought the lettuce inwards (easy peasy & fewer dishes), grabbed the homemade vinaigrette, poured us each a drinking glass of sparkling water together with got ready to feast!

I was asked past times Carusele to participate inwards the  50+ Side Dishes For Easy Weeknight Chicken Dinners
This whole repast took likely 10 minutes to prep. Makes sitting inwards a drive-thru or driving thirty minutes round-trip for takeout seem kinda time-consuming inwards comparison, right? Which it is. Not to bring upwardly expensive on the pocketbook. 

For this item meal, I opted for super quick/hands-off sides, but if you're feeling energetic or ambitious, you lot could switch things upwardly together with laid upwardly all kinds of sides that have got 20-30 minutes instead. 

In fact, if you lot continue scrolling, I percentage 50+ ideas for elementary sides that span good with chicken downwards below. They're rattling pin-worthy, peculiarly if you're inwards a side dishes rut. You're welcome. 

I was asked past times Carusele to participate inwards the  50+ Side Dishes For Easy Weeknight Chicken Dinners

Where to Find Barber Foods Signature Recipe Stuffed Chicken Breasts

By forthwith I hope you're sitting at that spot on your phone, tablet, or computer, feeling kinda hungry, one-half drooling together with wishing screens were edible. I mean, I always am when I'm reading nutrient blogs. You're likely wondering where you lot tin give the sack honor this chicken thus you lot tin give the sack bake some upwardly for an slow dinner that everyone volition love. 

I'll assist you lot out. 

You tin give the sack honor Barber Foods® Signature Recipe Stuffed Chicken Breasts at your local Whole Foods Market in the freezers past times the butcher -- close the frozen fish together with raw meat. In fact, they'll move on sale for $5.99 a box from 9/12/18 through 9/18/18, thus brand certain to halt during that calendar week to stock upwardly for autumn meals. 

So far, I've eaten the Broccoli & Cheese (the immature human being described it equally "bomb"), but am jazzed to essay the Cordon Bleu (classic), Crème Brie & Apple, and Kiev (perfect if you lot beloved butter) together with others. 

I was asked past times Carusele to participate inwards the  50+ Side Dishes For Easy Weeknight Chicken Dinners
As promised above, I've rounded upwardly a listing of 50+ side dishes that span good with chicken entrees, most of which tin give the sack move made inwards 10-30 minutes showtime to finish, piece the chicken is baking inwards the oven. 

Pretty glorious, right? It' thus slow to acquire inwards a oestrus when you're trying to figure out what to serve with the chief dish, but I hope you'll honor something practiced below. I'm getting hungry only looking at them. :)  

P.S. Even if you're making a chicken entree completely from scratch, continue this listing handy for slow side dish ideas you lot tin give the sack span with chicken dishes all twelvemonth long.

50+ Side Dishes For Easy Weeknight Chicken Dinners

I was asked past times Carusele to participate inwards the  50+ Side Dishes For Easy Weeknight Chicken Dinners

Saucepan & Stockpot Side Dishes

No-Cook Side Dishes

This is a sponsored conversation written past times me on behalf of Barber Foods at Whole Foods. The opinions together with text are all mine.

I'd similar to hear from YOU! What are your favorite side dishes to serve with chicken dinners? Do you lot acquire for comfort nutrient or good for you lot sides? Leave a comment below!

I was asked past times Carusele to participate inwards the  50+ Side Dishes For Easy Weeknight Chicken Dinners

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MEDICAL DISCLOSURE: The information included on this website is intended for educational purposes only. It is non intended nor implied to move a substitute for professional person medical advice. None of the opinions expressed hither are meant to diagnose or process whatever illness or illness. You should e'er consult your healthcare provider to create upwardly one's hear the appropriateness of the information for your ain province of affairs or if you lot have got whatever questions regarding a medical status or handling plan.

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